lauantai 12. heinäkuuta 2014

Friends too busy to be friends

When I was in 16th week of my triple pregnancy, I was put in the bed-rest due to bleeding caused by hematoma. Official bed-rest lasted for about one month, and by then my belly started to be so big and other pregnancy symptoms, such as ligament pains, so hard that I have mostly stayed laying down anyway. I can walk about 100 meters and stay standing up about 5 minutes without getting contractions.This means I am rather restricted when it comes to social life, never mind how lonely I do get while staring at the wall in front of the couch.
This situation has made evaluate my friendships. The outcome is surprising. Many people have been very caring whom I never thought would give a rats ass about my situation. Then there has been those, who are simply too busy.
I used to be too busy myself. Running between work meetings, social gatherings and exercise classes I probably let down many people who were on "time-out" and asked for my company. I do regret that a lot, now. It really hurts when someone you have considered as your best of friends is suddenly too busy even to text you.
I guess that tells you all about the worth of that friendship, then.

Product tip of the day: I've used these perfect tops by Mamalicious everyday in my both pregnancies. Can't praise them enough!,en_GB,pd.html?dwvar_20000975_colorPattern=20000975_FusionCoral_342007&forceScope=.

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