I am at the point of mommyhood, where i am becoming obsessed about putting the babies into a schedule. I remember it happened exactly at the same time with the toddler: two months mark.
Step in the guru of the baby schedules: gina ford, the author of such books that promise to make you and the baby contented.
Ford tells you exactly what to do and at what hour - or quarter of an hour. She only does not tell you when to feed your baby, but also when you, the mom, should be having your toast and cereal. Some love her, some think her as a load of bullshit.
For me schedules bring a feeling of safety. I do find it funny that i felt the need for schedule with one baby. One baby is easy to take along, i say now. But now with three babies and one toddler, we need one - fast - or i go nuts.
I am not gonna follow ms ford. She is a bit too throughout. But her existence gives me hope that a schedule is possible - not that the baby necessarily needs it, but my sanity does.
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